Wonderland Online 101: July 2008

Wonderland Online 101

Everything Wonderland Online!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Newbie Guide

Here is the Newbie Guide for Wonderland Online!

The Wonderland Online Video!

Here is the Wonderland Online Introduction video! I hope u enjoy it!


Hi! If u r on my new site, you either go on Wonderland Online or found it by accident. If u haven't heard of Wonderland online, go here: http://wl.igg.com/ it takes a while to download but trust me! Its worth it! As u may have noticed, I am a HUGE fan of Wonderland Online! This is a pic of my character. I go on the Server Virgo and I am called Nympha! Wonderland Online rox!!!!! Thanks 4 reading! :D

Wizard Animation


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